Love Me Like A Reptile

‘Nastiest sea creature to ever inhabit Earth’ named after Lemmy from Motörhead

“He was the hell-raising, grizzled, frontman of Motörhead who took pride in his excessive hardcore lifestyle and once invited fans to ‘Love Me Like a Reptile.’

So when palaeontologists at the National History Museum were choosing a name for their new ferocious Jurassic sea-crocodile, Lemmy seemed the obvious choice.”

P.S.: Learn how to spell, Telegraph editors!

The statue is up!

Love it or lump it, the statue of Lemmy is now up at the Rainbow! Its unveiling was preceded by a new all-star jam.

Also, don’t forget that HeavyCon in Birmingham will have the first official Lemmy museum that includes the real bomber rig.

In other related news, The Damned are recording a new album and selling some VIP extras for their upcoming tour.

Digest #5