An MHB’s tribute

MHB 3530 here. As you can tell, I’ve not been a devotee for long enough, but I have amassed many good memories and a deep appreciation for Lemmy, the man, the legend, a true original. As the great saying now goes, he was born to loose, lived to win and (was) killed by death.

I too jumped in very quick after going beyond “No Sleep ’til Hammersmith”. I guess what did it for me was listening to “The World is Yours” at full blast on the bus back from High Voltage in 2011. The festival featured all kinds of bands, but when it came time to pick an album for the way back to the hotel, everyone agreed on Motörhead.

Since then, I’ve got every release on CD and many on vinyl, DVDs, shirts and more. More importantly, however, getting to meet the band and being able to watch them from stage right twice has given me stories of my own, stories of appreciation and deep respect.

What many non-MHBs may not know is that not only are the road crew part of the family in terms of treatment and respect, they are also all men of just as much integrity as Lemmy himself was. For his fellow musicians, this stands to reason, but when you find it in the crew it’s nothing short of astonishing.

I may add to this and tell my Motörhead stories some other time, but trust me, I speak from personal experience. Lemmy made sure his fans were taken good care of. We all mattered to Lemmy. I will tell the stories some day, but I’ll let those sit for a bit.

Lemmy never changed, he made others change. I do not care to know what the alternate realities without Lemmy are like, he’s that indispensable.

Have a drink, crank it up and think how you can honour his memory!

Love Me Like A Reptile

‘Nastiest sea creature to ever inhabit Earth’ named after Lemmy from Motörhead

“He was the hell-raising, grizzled, frontman of Motörhead who took pride in his excessive hardcore lifestyle and once invited fans to ‘Love Me Like a Reptile.’

So when palaeontologists at the National History Museum were choosing a name for their new ferocious Jurassic sea-crocodile, Lemmy seemed the obvious choice.”

P.S.: Learn how to spell, Telegraph editors!

One year ago today

Tonight, a year ago, we lost the man, the legend, one of the last of a dying breed, Mr. Ian “Lemmy” Kilmister. The hole he left is more gaping than any sinkhole, but the hefty catalog of work he left us stands tall and proud among the wreckage of rock’n’roll. Take care of George and Carrie, uncle rotter!

Mini-documentary on Lemmy statue & MC5 HOF

A short documentary on the making of the Lemmy statue at the Rainbow Bar and Grill has been posted on Youtube:

Also, the MC5, the inspiration for Motörhead, have been nominated for inclusion in the Rock’n’Roll Hall of Fame next year. Vote here to make sure they stand a chance of getting recognised!