Love Me Like A Reptile

‘Nastiest sea creature to ever inhabit Earth’ named after Lemmy from Motörhead

“He was the hell-raising, grizzled, frontman of Motörhead who took pride in his excessive hardcore lifestyle and once invited fans to ‘Love Me Like a Reptile.’

So when palaeontologists at the National History Museum were choosing a name for their new ferocious Jurassic sea-crocodile, Lemmy seemed the obvious choice.”

P.S.: Learn how to spell, Telegraph editors!

One year ago today

Tonight, a year ago, we lost the man, the legend, one of the last of a dying breed, Mr. Ian “Lemmy” Kilmister. The hole he left is more gaping than any sinkhole, but the hefty catalog of work he left us stands tall and proud among the wreckage of rock’n’roll. Take care of George and Carrie, uncle rotter!

The statue is up!

Love it or lump it, the statue of Lemmy is now up at the Rainbow! Its unveiling was preceded by a new all-star jam.

Also, don’t forget that HeavyCon in Birmingham will have the first official Lemmy museum that includes the real bomber rig.

In other related news, The Damned are recording a new album and selling some VIP extras for their upcoming tour.

Digest #5

Digest #4

Some interesting new developments: